TimedEating.com is here to help you get started with a Time Restricted Eating regimine.

Time Restricted Eating is not the same as Intermittent Fasting but is rather a subset of Intermittent Fasting. In its most basic form, Time Restricted Eating simply means you spend a predefined portion of your day eating, and a predefined portion of the day not eating. When eating, you always want to strive for healthy, organic, whole foods. When not eating, people often drink water, black tea, and/or black coffee. Water with a squeeze of fresh lemon is often used as well. The key here is to not consume calories.

One of the main components of Time Restricted Eating is knowing when to eat and when not to eat. There are 3 ratios that people often stick to, 12:12, 14:10, and 16:8. This is simply a ratio showing how many hours you don't eat and how many hours you do eat. So if you follow a 16:8 ratio, you don't eat for 16 hours and you do eat for 8. A common starting place is 12:12, don't eat for 12 hours and then eat for 12 hours.

We have created a simple schedule calculator to help you both understand and get start with a Time Restricted Eating lifestyle. Click below to try out the calculator.